Hi all! I've been busy this past week getting ready, packing, making last minute plans with friends, running errands, the usual pre-vacation routine. I'm off work and out of the city for two weeks! In light of my most recent post, I decided I would use my time off to be truly off, from everything. I have so many back posts waiting to be posted and plenty of new ideas, but for now I'm going to step away to enjoy some R&R.

I asked a few amazing blogging friends if they would fill in for me over the next couple of weeks. I'm sure you'll be very happy seeing these lovely ladies stop by. I know I will. I'm really looking forward to using my time off to reset, relax, and enjoy the summer. Thank you so much to my guest bloggers for helping out while I'm away!

Happy 4th of July to everyone! The sunset tonight (see above) was absolutely breath taking. I have to say it certainly out shined any of the fireworks that went off. You can stay in touch with me on Twitter while the girls take over posting here. Make sure to show them lots of love while I'm away! Best to everyone!

Happy 4th to you too! And enjoy your restful vacation. I'm sure that it will be absolutely delightful ...can't wait to see the guest posts too. xx veronika
Who needs fireworks when you have sunsets like this. May your R&R refresh you!
Enjoy your much deserved vacation!
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