First thing first. Yes, the scarf as a top idea came straight from Christina. There I said it. I stole an idea. I'm sorry I'm not sorry if that bothers you. I like this idea and I think it's ok to "take inspiration" from people. Thank you Christina. I heart you.
Second thing second (duh). I am wearing a Clyde's Rebirth harness. After staring at Merl's shop way too long, I took the plunge and made it mine. It helped that when I met her she threw a harness on me for the night. I recommend flying Merl out to try on her pieces in her presence. I mean if you can afford to do that sort of thing. This one kind of makes any outfit better.

I've been stressing out about all the New York Fashion Week and Blogger meet up talking that has been going on. In many ways this represents everything I hate about fashion. I don't like stress and I don't like competition when it comes to something as varied as looks or personal style choices. To me, a lot of it feels like you're thrown back into high school. Everyone judging you the moment you walk in the door, sizing you up and down, and right there deciding if they're going to be your friend or not.

I have been going over and over what I should wear to each of these events. Am I perhaps overanalyzing how much people will care about what I'm wearing? Probably. I also think about the fact that I'm a new blogger. Not only has relatively no one met me yet, but most other bloggers and people attending these conferences have probably never even glanced over to my page. Which I understand. I may not have glanced at theirs either, but it does make me feel a bit more pressure that I need to make that impression a positive and memorable one.

All of this has been admittedly getting the best of me recently. I think that on top of the recent realization that yes, I am single, the idea of having to make first impressions has been really hard to swallow. I will certainly admit that it's been hard to drown out the thoughts of oh that color is in, or those boots are everywhere right now, etc. versus listening to my own voice. The one that has to remind myself that I've worn jeans almost everywhere since high school, that heels hurt my ankles that have been sprained far too many times over the ten years I played lacrosse, and that I'm the girl who has worn the same bracelets everyday of her life since she was six years old. Yes, that is all me. And what I hate about fashion is that it too often tells you to be someone you are not.

Vintage Scarf from my Mom's Closet, Seven High Waist Jeans, Anthropologie Wedges
These are the thoughts I have been struggling with recently. I have been trying to stock up my closet with things I think I need and some things I probably don't. Hopefully I get a grip on myself soon. It's a little bit a lack of self confidence. Which is something I know I have to work on. 
What do you guys think about all this fashion talk?
Thanks for hanging around while I took a little hiatus last week. It was nice not to have to worry about having a post ready. I know I didn't give any warning, but I really didn't even know myself that I wasn't going to post until I wasn't heading out to take any pictures. So thanks for hanging around. Let's get this thing back on track.