These pictures are from Memorial Day Weekend. It goes without saying that I am more than a little behind on posting. For the past couple of weeks I've been a one-post-a-week kind of girl. I was a little caught up living my tangible life. That's the one where I get together with friends for mid-week laughs, take myself on romantic dates, and go for long afternoon runs with Lua. And I got to do all that without pressuring myself to rush back to my apartment to get a post or two done before my eyes would start to close for the night. It ended up that I took an unintentional breather from blogging.

I've written about similar issues with finding a balance between blogging and real life before. I bounced back from those breaks with a fresh take on how to approach this whole blogging business. Maybe this is just the breather I needed to kick myself into gear again. Blogging has become so important this past year and has opened up endless opportunities for me. In some ways, I feel like I'm being unfair to my blogging persona by taking such a step back. It's amazing to be even a small part of this vast community. I absolutely love the people I have met, and am so grateful that I've been able to use this space as a way to make some incredible new friends. I almost feel I'm being selfish in my relationship with this blog. It seems that I want to reap all the benefits, without putting in all the hard work.

I honestly don't know how some of you do it. Full time jobs, full time blogs, some full time parents, all while balancing a seemingly active social schedule that keeps you healthy and happy. I was putting a lot of work into my blog, until I realized that I was putting more work into my blog then into some of my face-to-face relationships. And with the addition of gorgeous weather I really began to feel the itch to be outside my apartment after work, instead of cooped up, spending even more time sitting by a computer screen.

I have a few options. I can continue to blog in a less than predictable way, constantly feeling guilty than I'm not providing enough inspiring, new, or thought provoking content. I can go back to the days where I came home from work to immediately sit down at the computer and work on the blog way past my bedtime. Or I can dive head first into this blogging world, start accepting sponsors, offering giveaway upon giveaway, spend all my time outside of work shopping for new clothes, networking with companies, and scouting outfit photo locations. Now, that doesn't necessarily sound terrible at all, but it does seem like more occupied time I'd have to take away from the time that I like to leave unscheduled in my life.

My problem with going down the road of sponsors, is that I think it would change my blog tremendously. Right now, it's all me. I get to post whenever I want, write about the topics I want to, and say pretty much anything, all this over sharing included. If I start having to be a voice that represents different companies, that will unavoidably change. Personally, I would feel a responsibility to keep a certain level of professionalism on the blog. I'm just not sure I'm ready to be held accountable to anyone besides myself for this space. I share a lot here (probably too much). I'm not sure a clothing, jewelry, vintage, handbag, etc. company cares that I share my deepest darkest feeling with their target audience. Yet, I'm still being contacted. What am I missing here. What should I be doing here?

AG Top, Brandy & Melville Skirt, Espadrilles from DSW
Friendship Bracelets from Madewell, Coral Bracelet Gift, Pendant from Clyde's Rebirth
Friendship Bracelets from Madewell, Coral Bracelet Gift, Pendant from Clyde's Rebirth
I would love to hear your thoughts and opinions on all of this. I know it's hard for everyone to juggle all the things they have going on. I'm not giving myself an excuse, or saying that I'm more busy than anyone else, I'm just asking for advice. I know that most of the people who read my blog are also incredibly busy, want-to-do-everything-but-just-don't-have-the-time people too. Maybe you have some inside advice you wouldn't mind lending me. Or any advice on partnering with companies and how it's changed your blogging experience for the better or the worse. I'm all ears.

Thank you again for sticking around while the posting has been so spotty here. I'm going to try to do my best to get back up to speed and start sharing and interacting with you all more because that's what this is really supposed to be all about right?