Vacation, July 10th
Kev and I woke up at five am and headed to the beach. This is something that I've wanted to do for many summers, but have never had the motivation to get myself out of bed. I don't know if I would call myself a morning person, but I like having my mornings if that makes sense. I hate being rushed, so in the morning I like to take my time getting ready, make myself breakfast, watch the news, get ready for the day. I can never understand the people that hop out of bed and are out the door in ten minutes. That's never been me.

The beach was absolutely stuffed with fog that morning. There was a truck in the parking lot selling hot drinks and morning pastries. It was a pleasant surprise. Kev and I grabbed tea and headed over the dunes to the beach with Lua.

While this isn't something I would do everyday it was really nice to have a morning, sit at the beach, sip tea, and play with Lua.

This is the last post from the vacation. I'm glad I was able to relive it these past few weeks while Kev and I weren't able to see each other. In alot of ways it was nice to come home at the end of the day and go through all the pictures we had taken together and play back our little vacation.

I'm heading to see Kev this coming weekend and I won't be back until Wednesday. There will be fresh new things, a few exciting things, a possibly some things I'm going to need your help with.

I've done a few tweaks to the site, what do you think? There are still some things that I want to fix but I was just so anxious about updating the changes I couldn't wait.
Guess what else? I have a tumblr now! I'm still figuring it out, but I did post a few more pictures from this day on there.
I hope everyone has a great weekend!