Sunday morning Kev and I headed out to grab breakfast. Having grown up in a town speckled with farm land we didn't have to go very far to find a perfectly quaint farm house. I had some idea in my mind that I wanted to be leaning on a fence so we drove around for 40 minutes looking for the perfect spot, and waiting for the breakfast place to open. Of course we ended up back at the first place we saw. This is owned by one of Kevin's friends. He said it's exactly what you would expect out of an old farm house. Wide wooden floor planks, charming kitchen, walk through bedrooms, the whole deal.

I wore this on my car ride back to New York. Ok, ok again without the shoes. It's really simple, but that's what I like about it. This was by no means what I had intended to wear. When I was getting dressed this just came together. Sometimes you just have to go with what's easiest. I even like that I'm not wearing a belt. Simple, simple. And all the vintage pieces are from family members, which I of course love.
This post is short on writing because I just got a brand spanking new roommate! I showed her my blog. She called my "style" earthy, vintage, and chic. I'll take that. She's also inviting me to the Gilt Groupe like it's no big deal. Then she threw in that she is going shopping tomorrow and is excited because she wants to dress me. I think craigslist is paying me back for the terribly crazy lady I got stuck with last time.

JCrew TShirt, Madewell Jeans, Jeffrey Campbell Splendid Sandals
My Moms Vintage Scarf, My Moms High School Ring as Necklace, My Great Great Aunts Coral Earrings
(Kevin's middle school in the background)
(Kevin's middle school in the background)
I'm heading out of the city tomorrow for two weeks. First, I'm going to two weddings. One of a friend from high school and the other of my old roommate. After that Kev and I are heading to the beach for the week. My office closes for two weeks every summer, it's a really nice break. I'm not sure what my schedule will be posting here, but I can guarantee that I will be taking full advantage of having Kev around for the week to take pictures. Thanks Kev!
See you all soon!